In the dynamic landscape of modern business, creating a successful marketing strategy requires a thoughtful blend of media approaches. Two essential components of many successful marketing campaigns are awareness media and acquisition media. While these two concepts are distinct, their synergy is crucial for fostering brand recognition, expanding your customer base, and achieving sustainable growth. These strategies — which sit at opposite ends of the funnel — can complement each other to drive stronger business success.

The Power of Awareness Media

Awareness media introduces your brand to the world and captures the attention of potential customers. Without it, no one knows your brand exists. The goal is to create a strong brand presence (to drive recognition), increase visibility (to expand reach), and establish an emotional connection (to drive trust and loyalty) with your target audience.

Brand awareness tactics often include television, print, billboards, social media, and content marketing. To achieve awareness across these channels, it’s important that your creative strategy reflects your target audience’s perceptions and most pressing needs.

Why awareness media?


In a crowded market, brand recognition is crucial for standing out among competitors. First impressions matter a lot, since it takes a mere one-tenth of a second to form a first impression. With a strong creative message, awareness media can help gain prominence and foster recall in the minds of consumers.


By utilizing a mix of platforms, you can reach a broader audience, transcending geographical boundaries and demographics. This expanded reach lays the foundation for potential customer acquisition.


Consistent exposure to your brand builds familiarity, trust, and credibility. According to Edelman, 81% of consumers are more likely to be loyal to a brand they know, trust, and perceive as reliable.

The Role of Acquisition Media

While awareness media is about getting your brand noticed, acquisition media focuses on converting that awareness into action. It aims to move prospects through the funnel and convert them into customers (conversions), foster loyalty through targeted campaigns (personalization), and give your business a quantifiable return on investment (ROI, measurable results).

This strategy often includes channels like search engine marketing, email marketing, affiliate marketing, and direct response advertising.

Why acquisition media?


Acquisition media employs specific call-to-action strategies to guide prospects through the sales funnel, converting them into paying customers. Creative plays a very important role here in that it needs to inform and push a strong call to action at the same time to yield strong results.


By analyzing customer data and behavior, acquisition media can deliver personalized content and offers, enhancing the likelihood of conversion. Once again, your creative message can help drive stronger results by speaking in a one-to-one or one-to-some manner, giving the target audience a sense of direct connection.


One of the key benefits of acquisition media is its ability to be quantified. Metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and others provide valuable insights into campaign performance, but even more important than these media metrics are the insights that come when they are married to business data to establish the ROI. The ability to understand what works and what doesn’t enables you to optimize your campaign to drive even stronger results.

The Synergy Between Awareness Media and Acquisition Media

The true power of a successful marketing strategy lies in combining awareness media and acquisition media effectively. The synergy between these two approaches creates a cyclical process that reinforces the impact of each on business growth. This integration enables a comprehensive multichannel marketing approach that ensures potential customers encounter your brand at various touchpoints, increasing the chances of conversion.

Awareness media builds brand recognition and establishes trust, making customers more receptive to acquisition media efforts. The trust developed by knowing a brand eases the process of lead nurturing and fosters long-term customer relationships. In layman’s terms, awareness media greases the funnel to allow acquisition media to do its job more efficiently.

Increasing brand recognition through awareness media makes acquisition media campaigns more effective, as potential customers are already familiar with the brand. These combined efforts optimize the overall ROI.

The Importance of a Strong Creative Message

The value of a strong creative message in branded acquisition campaigns cannot be overstated. A well-crafted and innovative message is a crucial element in effectively capturing the attention of your target audience, differentiating your brand, and driving successful customer acquisition.

This is a fundamental building block of a successful branded acquisition campaign. It must not only capture attention and engage your target audience but also differentiate your brand, establish an emotional connection, and ultimately drive customer acquisition. Investing time and effort in crafting a compelling and innovative message can yield significant returns in terms of brand recognition, customer engagement, and business growth.


In today’s competitive business landscape, the integration of both awareness and acquisition media is vital for driving success. While awareness media lays the foundation by building brand recognition and trust, acquisition media takes that momentum and converts it into tangible business results. By harnessing the power of both approaches and utilizing a strong creative message — one that pushes recognition and elicits action — you can achieve sustainable growth, expand your customer base, and create lasting brand loyalty.

Maybe it’s your family. Your friends. Your heritage. It could be your hometown, your school, or your sports teams. Or maybe it’s your own accomplishments,...

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, creating a successful marketing strategy requires a thoughtful blend of media approaches. Two essential components of many successful...

As labor shortages remain a concern for CEOs, a Gartner survey of more than 800 HR leaders listed recruiting as one of their top priorities...

Reflections on the Seaport as we move into our next chapter  This year, before becoming Ten Feet Tall, we moved our offices from the Seaport...

The ability to leverage advanced marketing analytics to measure performance continues to increase yearly. This is so much the truth that the real question isn’t...

Whether you’re a new member of a marketing team or a copywriter working with a new client, your first task is to get to know...

Whether you’re starting to work with a new client or embarking on a new project with an existing partner, developing a project scope is critical...

Over our 36+ years of operation, we’ve had the great privilege of serving a range of clients across a myriad of industries. During that time,...

When I was home sick from school as a kid, I planted myself in front of the TV and got a great education in daytime...

For many, understanding user behavior and overall customer engagement on a website might encompass assessing metrics like sessions and conversion rate. Maybe marketing professionals are...

According to SHRM, most business executives list improving employee engagement as one of their top-five business strategies. In today’s remote and hybrid work environments, this...

We’re excited to announce a full transition of ownership from co-founder Judy Habib to our long-standing company leaders, Sylvie Askins, Adam Cramer, and Michael Panagako,...

Are your parents using social media the same way you do? What about Grammy? The answer is likely “no.”  If you’re a millennial, you may...

Last November, Google Analytics released GA4, a new tool that lets you track customers across mobile apps and websites. Unlike Universal Analytics, which tracks users...

When this idea first emerged at the beginning of 2019, I was interested in how these three market forces could align to help achieve the...

Are you a financial institution currently running ads on Facebook? Fair-lending laws may have a significant impact on your social media advertising strategy. Are your...

As the healthcare industry steadily moves into the 21st century, the age of healthcare consumerism has arrived. The patient is in charge and making demands....

When launching a new brand, it’s natural to think about external audiences, carefully planning the road map and sequencing of channels and touchpoints for various...

The world of recruiting has transformed over the last five to 10 years, bringing with it a unique set of challenges. With record talent shortages...

You’ve been working on this M&A for months—maybe even years. The numbers add up. It’s a great fit with your business strategy. And on top...

If you’re as old as me, you may remember scratch-and-sniff ads. You’d simply scratch the ad and be immersed in the aroma of freshly baked...

As companies continue to grapple with how to identify with and relate to millennials, the first members of a new generation—kids born between 1997 and...

Back in college, I kept a notebook. In it I Scotch-taped pieces of writing that inspired me. Passages from books. Poems I had photocopied. Pages...

As a new triathlete, I bought the Garmin 735XT watch to help me train. On its own, this product is fantastic. It has a host...

Over our 36+ years of operation, we’ve had the great privilege of serving a range of clients across a myriad of industries. During that time, we’ve presented our capabilities and pitched our approach to both existing and prospective clients.

We’ve asked and answered a lot of questions and participated in and witnessed a lot of decision-making. Given that, here are seven questions we think clients should ask their marketing agency partners.

best questions to ask an ad agency

Clients are in a continuous cycle of evaluating their marketing agency relationship. Some formalize it with an annual review. The fair exchange of value is what both parties desire. But which dimensions are important and how do you measure them?


This is a simple question on a complex and dynamic matter. Context is important here, so consider whether the response takes a macro or micro view.


I love this question and have learned a lot about learning styles. There’s no doubt that branding and marketing agencies learn as they serve their clients but probe them on how the learning is operationalized and shared. A follow-up could be, how do you experiment? I think Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline, would be proud of this question.


This is broad and open-ended on purpose, and how the marketing agency answers will be as telling about their culture and belief system as the next two questions. Responses range from people and work to clients and longevity. Watch if the respondent answers from an individual or collective point of view.


This is one you want to ask when you’re able to observe faces. The expression could reveal more than the response. Answers could include agency values, which may be on a wall and are likely in an employee manual and stressed during onboarding. Big agencies tend to be process-driven, and networks tend to be fractured. Small agencies are more action-driven. Cultures reflect belief systems, which leads us to our next question.


What you believe drives how you behave and what you do, so it makes sense for agencies and clients to compare their branding and marketing beliefs. Our belief is the more aligned your beliefs are with your partner, the better decisions you will make together. Of course, what people say and what people do can vary. Keep an eye on the say:do ratio.


Purpose-based branding is a common approach for agencies to take when building brands for their clients. Few agencies, however, articulate their purpose in a clear, compelling, or authentic manner. Sort of like the cobbler’s children having no shoes, I suppose. But ideally their answer will inspire.

We hope you found this list of questions of interest and value. We’re curious what your experience is when you ask these questions and hope they offer a window into your agency’s world.

Maybe it’s your family. Your friends. Your heritage. It could be your hometown, your school, or your sports teams. Or maybe it’s your own accomplishments,...

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, creating a successful marketing strategy requires a thoughtful blend of media approaches. Two essential components of many successful...

As labor shortages remain a concern for CEOs, a Gartner survey of more than 800 HR leaders listed recruiting as one of their top priorities...

Reflections on the Seaport as we move into our next chapter  This year, before becoming Ten Feet Tall, we moved our offices from the Seaport...

The ability to leverage advanced marketing analytics to measure performance continues to increase yearly. This is so much the truth that the real question isn’t...

Whether you’re a new member of a marketing team or a copywriter working with a new client, your first task is to get to know...

Whether you’re starting to work with a new client or embarking on a new project with an existing partner, developing a project scope is critical...

Over our 36+ years of operation, we’ve had the great privilege of serving a range of clients across a myriad of industries. During that time,...

When I was home sick from school as a kid, I planted myself in front of the TV and got a great education in daytime...

For many, understanding user behavior and overall customer engagement on a website might encompass assessing metrics like sessions and conversion rate. Maybe marketing professionals are...

According to SHRM, most business executives list improving employee engagement as one of their top-five business strategies. In today’s remote and hybrid work environments, this...

We’re excited to announce a full transition of ownership from co-founder Judy Habib to our long-standing company leaders, Sylvie Askins, Adam Cramer, and Michael Panagako,...

Are your parents using social media the same way you do? What about Grammy? The answer is likely “no.”  If you’re a millennial, you may...

Last November, Google Analytics released GA4, a new tool that lets you track customers across mobile apps and websites. Unlike Universal Analytics, which tracks users...

When this idea first emerged at the beginning of 2019, I was interested in how these three market forces could align to help achieve the...

Are you a financial institution currently running ads on Facebook? Fair-lending laws may have a significant impact on your social media advertising strategy. Are your...

As the healthcare industry steadily moves into the 21st century, the age of healthcare consumerism has arrived. The patient is in charge and making demands....

When launching a new brand, it’s natural to think about external audiences, carefully planning the road map and sequencing of channels and touchpoints for various...

The world of recruiting has transformed over the last five to 10 years, bringing with it a unique set of challenges. With record talent shortages...

You’ve been working on this M&A for months—maybe even years. The numbers add up. It’s a great fit with your business strategy. And on top...

If you’re as old as me, you may remember scratch-and-sniff ads. You’d simply scratch the ad and be immersed in the aroma of freshly baked...

As companies continue to grapple with how to identify with and relate to millennials, the first members of a new generation—kids born between 1997 and...

Back in college, I kept a notebook. In it I Scotch-taped pieces of writing that inspired me. Passages from books. Poems I had photocopied. Pages...

As a new triathlete, I bought the Garmin 735XT watch to help me train. On its own, this product is fantastic. It has a host...

We’re excited to announce a full transition of ownership from co-founder Judy Habib to our long-standing company leaders, Sylvie Askins, Adam Cramer, and Michael Panagako, who will serve specific and complementary roles as managing partners. The move maintains our stature as one of Boston’s leading independently owned, full-service, mid-sized brand and advertising agencies. 

“Keeping KHJ strong through three recessions, two acquisitions, and a pandemic has been its own success story,” says Habib. “But the stories we’re most proud of are about the clients we’ve helped become industry leaders and the employees whose careers we’ve helped launch and nurture. And now, I am thrilled to pass the torch to the leadership team that has helped make us who we are today.” 

“Retaining our total independence was an important factor as we planned this transition,” says Cramer, managing partner/creative.

KHJ is built on a passion for doing whatever it takes for our clients to succeed. And being unencumbered by a larger authority has served us well.

As managing partner/president, Ms. Askins will take on the daily operations of the agency in addition to her strategic role with clients. “Our approach to branding has always been distinguished by our focus on employees as audience number one,” she says, “and we intend to continue to build upon this. In today’s hybrid work environments and competitive recruitment landscape, organizations are more than ever looking for ways to retain and engage employees. We believe fully activated, purpose-driven brands can be used to attract and recruit top talent, engage employees, and ignite cultures.” 

“Part of the magic of KHJ is that our methodical, yet flexible, process was designed to align stakeholders inside and outside of an organization,” says Panagako, managing partner/growth and strategy, “and it can be applied to a wide variety of business challenges. It’s an especially effective approach for organizations and industries facing disruption, which explains our historically strong focus on life sciences, health care, professional services, real estate, and destinations.” 

The firm has formed an executive leadership team that will include Mr. Cramer, Mrs. Askins, Mr. Panagako, and Todd Baird, who has been promoted to EVP, strategy & planning and will continue to play a critical leadership role for the agency. 

As Ms. Habib transitions to an advisory role with the firm, she’ll continue to focus on her commitments as vice chair of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, president of the International Women’s Forum of Massachusetts, and continue contributions through her writing, speaking, and mentoring. And what she claims is some “long overdue time for play.” 

Maybe it’s your family. Your friends. Your heritage. It could be your hometown, your school, or your sports teams. Or maybe it’s your own accomplishments,...

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, creating a successful marketing strategy requires a thoughtful blend of media approaches. Two essential components of many successful...

As labor shortages remain a concern for CEOs, a Gartner survey of more than 800 HR leaders listed recruiting as one of their top priorities...

Reflections on the Seaport as we move into our next chapter  This year, before becoming Ten Feet Tall, we moved our offices from the Seaport...

The ability to leverage advanced marketing analytics to measure performance continues to increase yearly. This is so much the truth that the real question isn’t...

Whether you’re a new member of a marketing team or a copywriter working with a new client, your first task is to get to know...

Whether you’re starting to work with a new client or embarking on a new project with an existing partner, developing a project scope is critical...

Over our 36+ years of operation, we’ve had the great privilege of serving a range of clients across a myriad of industries. During that time,...

When I was home sick from school as a kid, I planted myself in front of the TV and got a great education in daytime...

For many, understanding user behavior and overall customer engagement on a website might encompass assessing metrics like sessions and conversion rate. Maybe marketing professionals are...

According to SHRM, most business executives list improving employee engagement as one of their top-five business strategies. In today’s remote and hybrid work environments, this...

We’re excited to announce a full transition of ownership from co-founder Judy Habib to our long-standing company leaders, Sylvie Askins, Adam Cramer, and Michael Panagako,...

Are your parents using social media the same way you do? What about Grammy? The answer is likely “no.”  If you’re a millennial, you may...

Last November, Google Analytics released GA4, a new tool that lets you track customers across mobile apps and websites. Unlike Universal Analytics, which tracks users...

When this idea first emerged at the beginning of 2019, I was interested in how these three market forces could align to help achieve the...

Are you a financial institution currently running ads on Facebook? Fair-lending laws may have a significant impact on your social media advertising strategy. Are your...

As the healthcare industry steadily moves into the 21st century, the age of healthcare consumerism has arrived. The patient is in charge and making demands....

When launching a new brand, it’s natural to think about external audiences, carefully planning the road map and sequencing of channels and touchpoints for various...

The world of recruiting has transformed over the last five to 10 years, bringing with it a unique set of challenges. With record talent shortages...

You’ve been working on this M&A for months—maybe even years. The numbers add up. It’s a great fit with your business strategy. And on top...

If you’re as old as me, you may remember scratch-and-sniff ads. You’d simply scratch the ad and be immersed in the aroma of freshly baked...

As companies continue to grapple with how to identify with and relate to millennials, the first members of a new generation—kids born between 1997 and...

Back in college, I kept a notebook. In it I Scotch-taped pieces of writing that inspired me. Passages from books. Poems I had photocopied. Pages...

As a new triathlete, I bought the Garmin 735XT watch to help me train. On its own, this product is fantastic. It has a host...

If you’re as old as me, you may remember scratch-and-sniff ads. You’d simply scratch the ad and be immersed in the aroma of freshly baked Toll House cookies or an alluring perfume, stimulating your appetite or nausea depending on the potency.

This sensory tactic never really went beyond food and fragrance advertising or direct mail. That is, until now.

Today’s technology is allowing us to integrate smells into brand communications in more creative ways than ever before. And it’s hooking audiences by the nose.

scent marketing

In Heathrow Airport, a “scent globe” emits scents from places like Thailand, Japan, Brazil, and South Africa when you push on the respective country. Brazil has notes of coffee, rainforests, and jasmine, while Thailand treats us with lemongrass, ginger, and coconut. The hope is that people will follow their noses to these destinations on British Airways or other airlines that serve this hub.

Dunkin’ is taking their smells on the road by installing coffee aroma atomizers on Dunkin’-branded buses in South Korea. Imagine you’re on your way to work, you hear a Dunkin’ radio commercial, catch a whiff of coffee, and you see the Dunkin’ out the window. Boom—impulse purchase. In fact, Dunkin’ saw a 16% spike in visitors at shops on the bus routes where vehicles were equipped with the atomizers.

Some companies enhance their scent experiences with technologies or ideas that connect with other senses. McCain foods created a poster that smells like a baked potato and is warm to the touch. Unilever placed clear hydro-chronic ink stickers in spa showers that turned into vibrant purple orchids when the water was turned on and their orchid shower gel was used.

Of course, the most common use of scent marketing is at the point-of-purchase.

Retail stores, hotels, restaurants, grocery stores, senior living communities, car dealerships, and offices of every kind are emitting aromas into the air to create a more positive brand experience and stimulate purchases. Even medical and dental offices are using olfactory branding to create feelings of relaxation and confidence.

Part of the reason scent branding is so successful is that our sense of smell is wired into our memory and emotions. Smells can remind us of a positive experience or arouse a good feeling that can trigger a purchase or at least brand affinity.

There’s no question scent marketing is an impactful way to engage your audience and build your brand.

The only question is: what does your brand smell like and how can you bring it to life in exciting ways? If you want some help, just let us know. We have a nose for these things.

Maybe it’s your family. Your friends. Your heritage. It could be your hometown, your school, or your sports teams. Or maybe it’s your own accomplishments,...

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, creating a successful marketing strategy requires a thoughtful blend of media approaches. Two essential components of many successful...

As labor shortages remain a concern for CEOs, a Gartner survey of more than 800 HR leaders listed recruiting as one of their top priorities...

Reflections on the Seaport as we move into our next chapter  This year, before becoming Ten Feet Tall, we moved our offices from the Seaport...

The ability to leverage advanced marketing analytics to measure performance continues to increase yearly. This is so much the truth that the real question isn’t...

Whether you’re a new member of a marketing team or a copywriter working with a new client, your first task is to get to know...

Whether you’re starting to work with a new client or embarking on a new project with an existing partner, developing a project scope is critical...

Over our 36+ years of operation, we’ve had the great privilege of serving a range of clients across a myriad of industries. During that time,...

When I was home sick from school as a kid, I planted myself in front of the TV and got a great education in daytime...

For many, understanding user behavior and overall customer engagement on a website might encompass assessing metrics like sessions and conversion rate. Maybe marketing professionals are...

According to SHRM, most business executives list improving employee engagement as one of their top-five business strategies. In today’s remote and hybrid work environments, this...

We’re excited to announce a full transition of ownership from co-founder Judy Habib to our long-standing company leaders, Sylvie Askins, Adam Cramer, and Michael Panagako,...

Are your parents using social media the same way you do? What about Grammy? The answer is likely “no.”  If you’re a millennial, you may...

Last November, Google Analytics released GA4, a new tool that lets you track customers across mobile apps and websites. Unlike Universal Analytics, which tracks users...

When this idea first emerged at the beginning of 2019, I was interested in how these three market forces could align to help achieve the...

Are you a financial institution currently running ads on Facebook? Fair-lending laws may have a significant impact on your social media advertising strategy. Are your...

As the healthcare industry steadily moves into the 21st century, the age of healthcare consumerism has arrived. The patient is in charge and making demands....

When launching a new brand, it’s natural to think about external audiences, carefully planning the road map and sequencing of channels and touchpoints for various...

The world of recruiting has transformed over the last five to 10 years, bringing with it a unique set of challenges. With record talent shortages...

You’ve been working on this M&A for months—maybe even years. The numbers add up. It’s a great fit with your business strategy. And on top...

If you’re as old as me, you may remember scratch-and-sniff ads. You’d simply scratch the ad and be immersed in the aroma of freshly baked...

As companies continue to grapple with how to identify with and relate to millennials, the first members of a new generation—kids born between 1997 and...

Back in college, I kept a notebook. In it I Scotch-taped pieces of writing that inspired me. Passages from books. Poems I had photocopied. Pages...

As a new triathlete, I bought the Garmin 735XT watch to help me train. On its own, this product is fantastic. It has a host...

As a new triathlete, I bought the Garmin 735XT watch to help me train. On its own, this product is fantastic. It has a host of features and benefits that support the needs of any new triathlete—capturing distance, pace, cadence, laps, and more. These product features are appealing, but when they’re combined with accessories like heart rate monitor straps and apps like Strava and MyFitnessPal, the additional data makes it an invaluable training solution—one well worth the hefty price tag. 

What’s more, by marketing the solution in a way that appeals to my desire to improve my performance over time (always shooting for that PR), there’s no way I’m leaving without it in my shopping cart. The product features are impressive, but the emotional benefit is what drives my purchase, my loyalty, and ultimately, my advocacy. 

Here are five differences between solution and product marketing: 

Solution marketing is value-based. Product marketing is cost-based.

Solution marketing can connect on a more complex, emotional level by appealing to the customer’s pains or desires. Product marketing tends to focus on features and benefits. 

Solution marketing requires a broader knowledge of the audience’s mindset and behaviors to create desire among customer segments. Product marketing features innovation and technology. 

Solution marketing lends itself to future or add-on purchases by creating loyalty. Product marketing leads to one-time purchase events. 

Solution marketing can create fulfilling, customer-centric experiences but may require time, resources, and internal buy-in to be most effective. Product marketing is more transactional as it influences a one-off buying experience. 

We all buy products but love experiences. We itch for solutions that will add value to our lives—not just more stuff to our closets. 

Maybe it’s your family. Your friends. Your heritage. It could be your hometown, your school, or your sports teams. Or maybe it’s your own accomplishments,...

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, creating a successful marketing strategy requires a thoughtful blend of media approaches. Two essential components of many successful...

As labor shortages remain a concern for CEOs, a Gartner survey of more than 800 HR leaders listed recruiting as one of their top priorities...

Reflections on the Seaport as we move into our next chapter  This year, before becoming Ten Feet Tall, we moved our offices from the Seaport...

The ability to leverage advanced marketing analytics to measure performance continues to increase yearly. This is so much the truth that the real question isn’t...

Whether you’re a new member of a marketing team or a copywriter working with a new client, your first task is to get to know...

Whether you’re starting to work with a new client or embarking on a new project with an existing partner, developing a project scope is critical...

Over our 36+ years of operation, we’ve had the great privilege of serving a range of clients across a myriad of industries. During that time,...

When I was home sick from school as a kid, I planted myself in front of the TV and got a great education in daytime...

For many, understanding user behavior and overall customer engagement on a website might encompass assessing metrics like sessions and conversion rate. Maybe marketing professionals are...

According to SHRM, most business executives list improving employee engagement as one of their top-five business strategies. In today’s remote and hybrid work environments, this...

We’re excited to announce a full transition of ownership from co-founder Judy Habib to our long-standing company leaders, Sylvie Askins, Adam Cramer, and Michael Panagako,...

Are your parents using social media the same way you do? What about Grammy? The answer is likely “no.”  If you’re a millennial, you may...

Last November, Google Analytics released GA4, a new tool that lets you track customers across mobile apps and websites. Unlike Universal Analytics, which tracks users...

When this idea first emerged at the beginning of 2019, I was interested in how these three market forces could align to help achieve the...

Are you a financial institution currently running ads on Facebook? Fair-lending laws may have a significant impact on your social media advertising strategy. Are your...

As the healthcare industry steadily moves into the 21st century, the age of healthcare consumerism has arrived. The patient is in charge and making demands....

When launching a new brand, it’s natural to think about external audiences, carefully planning the road map and sequencing of channels and touchpoints for various...

The world of recruiting has transformed over the last five to 10 years, bringing with it a unique set of challenges. With record talent shortages...

You’ve been working on this M&A for months—maybe even years. The numbers add up. It’s a great fit with your business strategy. And on top...

If you’re as old as me, you may remember scratch-and-sniff ads. You’d simply scratch the ad and be immersed in the aroma of freshly baked...

As companies continue to grapple with how to identify with and relate to millennials, the first members of a new generation—kids born between 1997 and...

Back in college, I kept a notebook. In it I Scotch-taped pieces of writing that inspired me. Passages from books. Poems I had photocopied. Pages...

As a new triathlete, I bought the Garmin 735XT watch to help me train. On its own, this product is fantastic. It has a host...

let’s team up

get in touch