Client: Finch Therapeutics

What we did: Message strategy, identity, creative concept, website, video

Giving pooping a greater purpose

Finch Therapeutics wanted to raise awareness of its donor program for microbiome-based medicines. What does that mean exactly? They needed stool donations. For a campaign to work, it had to not only overcome the ick factor, but also create excitement (Make money! Save lives!) while being clear about the rigorous health screening all applicants must undergo.

We began where we always do—strategy—landing on the message, “Make poop count for others and for yourself.” We then translated this into our campaign theme, “Poop with Purpose,” creating a logo, look and feel, and microsite. A fun, eye-catching illustration style was the perfect pairing for a delicate subject matter like, well, poop.

We activated the campaign through print, digital, and out-of-home advertising, not only making people think twice before flushing, but also driving more qualified candidates than previous marketing efforts. That’s what we call dooing good. (Sorry, we had to go there.)

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